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Friday, March 11, 2016

Trip to Mount Somers

Hello World! I kind of dropped of the face of the planet for a couple weeks, but yes, Luke has managed to stay alive!

Sorry I haven't posted in while, but I have had a crazy last couple weekends, and homework has begun to pile up during the week. I have officially begun my tramping (hiking) adventures! Two weekends ago, I took a day trip up to Mount Somers at the edge of the Southern Alps, which is the mountain range that extends down the entire South Island. It was an easier tramp, but that is because it was the first official hike of the year for the CUTC (Canterbury University Tramping Club), and they wanted to cater to all hiking abilities. Regardless, it was beautiful! We departed at about 8am, arrived at the mountain by 10am, and did not get back on the bus to head home until 6:30pm. A solid day in the mountains. I've included some pictures below.
The Destination 

The mountains just dropped off into farmland that was absolutely gorgeous. 

The strange human on the rock is me.
View from the Summit of Mt. Somers.

Looking West towards the Southern Alps.

River at the the bottom of the mountain where I was able to fill my water bottles. NZ water tastes so good. 

I have also made a separate post with pictures from my latest trip last weekend, so jump on over to that next!


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